Monday, July 25, 2011

What hapPens when you are at rock botTom, everything that can go wrong-HAS, you feEl like there is NO1 to turn to, there is no more you can do to turn things around, or your scared to do so?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Tired of UNANSWERED ?'s

Everyday, a girl goes through her strugGles...she doesn't know where to turn because it's her job 2oo take on the WORLD. SHE has 2oo remain the upbeat (HAPpY) self that every1 is use 2oo...
BUT, what hapPens when she feEls beat, broken, && torn?
WHO can she turn 2oo when she feEls alL paths lead 2oo distruction, dilemMa, &&/or drama?
WHEN wilL things get betTer?
They remain unanswered, so til them I guesS have 2oo deal...