Friday, April 27, 2012

This is CRAZY, BONKERS, && WILD alL at once!

I wilL admit, in the 90s when kids hobBies were more than just video games and afternoOn cartoOns, I was in #MY roOm admiring #MY hobBy, which was the colLection of posters plastered alL over the walL. One of #MY alL time fave artists on #MY waslL was Mason 'MA$E' Betha.

I was n love, yes with those dimMples && the smile over alL.
So, I'm on 2day && I see 'Slight Work' remix, ft. Ma$e, himself. He thrashed that track. He came back betTer than 'Welcome Back."

Lovin' it, && it wilL b blastin' 4rm #MY Android realLy soOn. 5*s!

He's baaaaaaaack...
I was in love with this album cover...